Hagatha the Witch (Hearthstone The Witchwood card preview)

Hearthstone’s The Witchwood expansion reveal stream took place yesterday and revealed ten new cards. The most anticipated one was Hagatha the Witch, a legendary Shaman Hero card, and the only Hero card in the entire expansion.

In this post, I take an in-depth look at Hagatha and her effect.

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Hearthstone HCT Oslo March 2018 Tour Stop decks, results, and analysis

Hearthstone HCT Polaris Oslo March 2018 Tour Stop was played from 24th March to 25th March 2018 at Ballroom in Oslo, Norway. It was an open Hearthstone Championship Tour Stop, where 229 players competed for a $15,000 USD prize pool and HCT points.

In this post, I take a look at the decks and results of the tournament, including class distribution, archetypes, and lineups.

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Guide to the Echo mechanic (Hearthstone The Witchwood)

Hearthstone’s The Witchwood expansion brings two new mechanics into the game. The first one is Rush, a Charge that cannot hit face. The second one, Echo, is more interesting: cards with Echo return to your hand as ghostly copies when played and can be played again during the same turn. At the end of the turn, the ghostly copies disappear from hand.

There is actually already a card in the game that functions exactly like Echo: Unstable Evolution. If you’ve played some Shaman recently – and not many people have – you may already have experience with how the mechanic works.

With more similar cards coming out, there will be more interesting situations with the mechanic, so let’s go through what we know about the mechanic and what synergies there may be.

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Hearthstone HCT Bangkok March 2018 Tour Stop decks, results, and analysis

Hearthstone HCT Bangkok March 2018 Tour Stop was played from 16th March to 18th March 2018 at the Pantip Esports Arena in Bangkok, Thailand. It was an open Hearthstone Championship Tour Stop, where 213 players competed for a $15,000 USD prize pool and HCT points.

In this post, I take a look at the decks and results of the tournament, including class distribution, archetypes, and lineups.

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Hearthstone HCT Toronto March 2018 Tour Stop decks, results, and analysis

Hearthstone HCT Toronto March 2018 Tour Stop was played from 9th March to 11th March 2018 at the EGLX in Toronto, Canada. It was an open Hearthstone Championship Tour Stop, where 185 players competed for a $15,000 USD prize pool and HCT points.

In this post, I take a look at the decks and results of the tournament, including class distribution, archetypes, and lineups.

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In-depth look at the Hearthstone Hall of Fame card rotation for 2018

The announcement is here! Three Classic cards will depart the Standard format when the next Hearthstone expansion arrives in spring: Ice Block, Coldlight Oracle, and Molten Giant.

The expansion also triggers the annual set rotation, where Whispers of the Old Gods, One Night in Karazhan, and Mean Streets of Gadgetzan will rotate out into Wild.

In this post, I take a look at the Hall of Fame cards and what their departure means for the meta. Of course, the new expansion will bring along new cards, so any predictions are not final.

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Hearthstone Trinity Series Season 2 Week 7 Recap

Hearthstone Trinity Series season 2 is a team league played in autumn 2017. The first stage of the tournament is a seven-week online round robin, after which the top four teams will compete in live finals. The prize pool of the tournament is $150,000.

In this post, I take a look at the final, seventh week of the round robin as well as some overall stats from the round robin.

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Hearthstone Trinity Series Season 2 Week 6 Recap

Hearthstone Trinity Series season 2 is a team league played in autumn 2017. The first stage of the tournament is a seven-week online round robin, after which the top four teams will compete in live finals. The prize pool of the tournament is $150,000.

In this post, I take a look at the sixth week of the round robin as well as some overall stats from all the rounds played so far.

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