The Hearthstone meta is always evolving, and compared to just a few weeks ago, there have been some major changes in what the best decks are.
Embiggen Druid fell off rapidly, and this has opened up space for Galakrond Rogue to make a powerful comeback and for Galakrond Warrior to emerge as the new challenger to Rogue. With such a large number of Rogues around, Priest cannot limit the power of Galakrond Warrior either.
There is always an element of rock-paper-scissors in the meta, so you can expect changes to continue, as when specific decks become popular, it opens up space to counter them with new decks.
As for right now, here are the top six decks to play to climb to Legend!
#6: Quest Druid
Strong against:
- Galakrond Rogue
- Galakrond Warrior
Weak against:
- Hunter
- Mech Paladin
- Highlander Mage
It would have been unimaginable for Quest Druid to thrive just a while ago, although it already found a foothold in high Legend ranks last month. It is weak against many of the more aggressive, and cheaper, decks, but as you get closer to Legend you start to face increasing numbers of Galakrond Rogues and Galakrond Warriors, and Quest Druid can defeat them at relative ease.
Deck code: AAECAZICBiSu0gL1/AL4oQP8owP2rQMMQFZf/gH3A8QGv/ICqaIDyKID76ID2akD+bUDAA==
#5: Dragon Hunter
Strong against:
- Embiggen Druid
- Quest Druid
- Highlander Hunter
Weak against:
- Mech Paladin
- Resurrect Priest
- Galakrond Warrior
Dragon Hunter has been fine-tuned over the past weeks and it remains a powerful deck. Unfortunately, it is weak against the new Galakrond Warrior lists, which gives it considerable trouble in the final stages of a Legend climb. Galakrond Rogue is a fairly even matchup, so that does not help a lot either.
As an upside, Dragon Hunter is good against other Hunters and against Druids, so if your opponents try to counter the meta with Druid, you can counter them with Dragon Hunter.
Deck code: AAECAR8ExwOHBK8Eh7ADDeEElwiKrQOLrQP5rgP7rwP8rwP+rwPnsAP/sAOHsQO6tgOvtwMA
#4: Quest Hunter
Strong against:
- Embiggen Druid
- Galakrond Rogue
Weak against:
- Resurrect Priest
Quest Hunter lost its biggest ticket to fame when Druid numbers started to go down, but it is the best Hunter deck against Galakrond Rogues, which gives it a good starting point to a Legend climb. Its rather mediocre matchup against Galakrond Warrior holds it back a little bit, but it is still a solid choice overall.
This month’s list features Boommaster Flark again, as it seems to somewhat outperform Shu’ma in the current meta.
Deck code: AAECAR8IrwTh9QKggAPjiwOkpQPYsgOftwPztwMLlwjbCaCFA8edA+SkA7ulA5ipA46tA/ivA4KxA7i2AwA=
#3: Highlander Hunter
Strong against:
- Galakrond Warrior
- Embiggen Druid
Weak against:
- Dragon Hunter
The best Highlander Hunter list has not changed by a single card since last month.
Highlander Hunter has climbed to be the best Hunter deck right now, because it is, ironically, the most consistent one despite running only single copies of cards. It has a steady matchup spread, which makes it a good choice for just about any meta, because nothing can hurt it too much.
In the current meta, its good matchup against Galakrond Warrior shines in particular, and its weakness against other, faster Hunter decks is not fatal.
Deck code: AAECAR8eqAK1A8cDhwSvBOEElwjbCaCAA6CFA7acA/yjA+SkA6alA4SnA4qtA4utA46tA/muA/uvA/yvA/6vA4ewA/+wA4KxA5GxA9iyA4S2A5+3A6+3AwAA
#2: Galakrond Rogue
Strong against:
- Resurrect Priest
- Galakrond Warlock
Weak against:
- Embiggen Druid
- Quest Druid
Galakrond Rogue is by far the most popular deck on high ranks just before Legend. It is a solid performer that always has a chance because it can generate opportunities out of nowhere at any time. Its main weakness is Druid, but Druid numbers are down and Galakrond Rogue can enjoy the meta. If you choose to play Galakrond Rogue, you can expect tons of mirrors, but the overall power level of the deck is just incredible.
Deck code: AAECAaIHCrICzQOvBKCAA5KXA8GuA+O0A8O2A5+3A8vAAwq0Ae0CiAePlwP1pwO5rgP+rgOqrwPOrwOCsQMA
#1: Galakrond Warrior
Strong against:
- Galakrond Rogue
- Dragon Hunter
Weak against:
- Druid
- Priest
While Galakrond Rogue is the most popular deck, it is not my #1 recommendation right now. When everyone is playing a specific deck, you can find opportunities to counter it, and the most balanced counter to Galakrond Rogue is Galakrond Warrior: it is not the strongest counter, but it is favored in that matchup while also being favored in the majority of other matchups you may encounter.
With Druids and Priests forming but a small minority of the ladder, Galakrond Warrior stands favored against all the popular alternatives.
This list features Injured Tol’vir, which is a good card against Rogue in particular, and also helps to make Battle Rage a little better.
Deck code: AAECAQcErwTSpQPjtAPFwAMNFpAD1AT7DJ3wAtypA9itA9qtA/6uA6qvA9KvA6S2A6u2AwA=
Best decks on video
You can find more information about these decks, as well as tons of other Hearthstone material on my Youtube channel from analysis to gameplay and budget decks.