Galakrond Warrior has established itself as one of the best decks in Hearthstone. It is an aggressive Warrior deck with seemingly endless reach because once you turn into Galakrond, your Hero Power gives three attack every turn, which eventually wears down the defenses of almost any deck.
Furthermore, every time you invoke Galakrond, you gain that three attack, and it can stack within an individual turn, so multiple invokes and a weapon can give you considerable burst damage. With some charge minions, such as Kor’kron Elite or Leeroy Jenkins, and Bloodsworn Mercenary to copy them, some Warrior lists are even able to end the game with a one-turn kill.
While Galakrond is a very aggressive hero, Warrior has some great defensive class cards, which makes Galakrond Warrior shine in aggressive mirror matches: Eternium Rover, Armorsmith, Risky Skipper, and Acolyte of Pain combine to clear boards, provide tons of armor, and draw multiple cards.
Galakrond Warrior decklist
Deck code: AAECAQcE3KkD47QDn7cDxcADDRYc1AT7DJ3wArP8AtitA9qtA/6uA6qvA9KvA6S2A6u2AwA=
I played this Galakrond Warrior list to Legend with an 80% win rate and it is my current favorite for the archetype. It is a decidedly proactive list with very few dead cards and with high defensive capabilities to wreck Hunters and Rogues.
The double Eternium Rovers and double Armosmiths provide the deck an unparalleled edge in the aggressive mirror matches, and Kor’kron Elites provide the deck some charge burst, especially if you can draw a Kor’kron with Galakrond for that sweet +4/+4 buff.
The deck is usually not capable of a full one-turn-kill, because I do not consider it essential in the current meta. With only one Bloodsworn Mercenary, the ultimate reach of the deck is 32 damage, but that can only be achieved with a +4/+4 buffed Kor’kron Elite, two copies of Inner Rage (for 12 attack), a copy of that Kor’kron with Bloodsworn Mercenary (another 12), having the Galakrond weapon in hand (five attack), and using the Galakrond Hero power for additional three attack.
If a full one-turn-kill capability is desired, you need to add a second Bloodsworn Mercenary to the deck, but I have avoided that and Leeroy Jenkins to keep the deck as proactive as possible.
I really like SN1P-SN4P in this archetype. Between Eternium Rovers and the Boom Bots from Bomb Wranglers, you have multiple potential magnetization targets for some nice surprise moves.
Galakrond Warrior mulligan
There are a couple of different mulligans you can go for as Galakrond Warrior depending on what you are playing against. Your one-drops, Town Crier and Eternium Rover, are good cards to keep in every matchup. You just cannot go wrong with having a minion to play on the first turn in this game.
When you play against aggressive decks, the cards that you want the most in addition to those one-drops are Armorsmith and Ritual Chopper. They help you fight against the early threats and start gaining as much armor as possible.
Against slow decks, you want something more proactive. SN1P-SN4P and Bomb Wrangler are major early threats, and you also want to keep your Galakrond so that you are ready to unleash the true power of the deck as soon as possible.
Galakrond Warrior tips and tricks
Risky Skipper is one of the key cards in the archetype. It can help you to clear boards, draw cards with Acolyte of Pain, and gain armor with Eternium Rover and Armorsmith. It can also help you make a lot of bombs from Bomb Wrangler. It is not your one-drop! You typically do not keep it in the mulligan, nor do you play it on the board on the first turn. Instead, you use it together with other cards to get the most out of its effect.
You need to recognize your role when you play Galakrond Warrior. It is a midrange deck that sometimes takes the control role and sometimes the beatdown role. You can defend against aggression, you do not need to race, even though you can also look for opportunities to race them down, especially if you are able to gain a bunch of armor and can afford to take hits.
Depending on the burst capabilities of the list you are playing, you can sometimes set up for a big burst turn to end the game. Any chip damage you can deal to the opponent, especially the endless damage from Galakrond’s Hero Power, can help you set up for an easier burst finish.
Galakrond Warrior gameplay video
Finally, here is a video recap of the guide and gameplay video of the final part of my Legend climb with the deck. I hope it gives you a good idea on how to pilot the deck for success!