Titanar Hearthstone Open International LAN finals were played from 12th to 13th July in China. Sixteen players had qualified for this major tournament with a $30,000 prize pool: there were two qualifier tournaments, a 256-player qualifier in China (top-8 to the tournament), and a 128-player international qualifier (top-8 to the tournament).
As the first tournament after the Quest Rogue nerf, this was an interesting tournament to observe.
In this post, I take a look at the decks and results, including class distribution and archetypes.
The event was played in a best-of-five Conquest format with one ban. It started with a double-elimination group stage followed by top-8 single-elimination playoffs. The players were divided into four groups for the first stage, so the top two players from each group advanced to the single-elimination stage.
Group A | Win-Loss |
1st Royaleeping | 2-0 |
2nd AKAWonder | 2-1 |
Th3RaT | 1-2 |
熊乐多丨茶哩个茶 | 0-2 |
Th3Rat vs Royaleeping 0-3
AKAWonder vs 熊乐多丨茶哩个茶 3-x
AKAWonder vs Royaleeping 2-3
Th3Rat vs 熊乐多丨茶哩个茶 3-0
AKAWonder vs Th3Rat 3-0
Group B | Win-Loss |
1st ahqKkuang | 2-0 |
2nd Ant | 2-1 |
EfutureWTYX | 1-2 |
Fenomeno | 0-2 |
Ant vs EfutureWTYX 3-0
Fenomeno vs ahqKkuang x-3
Ant vs ahqKkuang 0-3
Fenomeno vs EfutureWTYX 2-3
Ant vs EfutureWTYX 3-x
Group C | Win-Loss |
1st Greensheep | 2-0 |
2nd Mage | 2-1 |
怦然心动丨梦魇 | 1-2 |
悟空丶未来的梅利 | 0-2 |
Greensheep vs 悟空丶未来的梅利 3-2
Mage vs 怦然心动丨梦魇 3-2
Mage vs Greensheep 1-3
悟空丶未来的梅利 vs 怦然心动丨梦魇 x-3
Mage vs 怦然心动丨梦魇 3-x
Group D | Win-Loss |
1st OMBuShusheng | 2-0 |
2nd Chungfr | 2-1 |
营地丨星辰 | 1-2 |
Katsucurry | 0-2 |
Katsucurry vs OMBuShuseng 2-3
Chungfr vs 营地丨星辰 3-2
Chungfr vs OMBuShuseng 1-3
Katsucurry vs 营地丨星辰 x-3
Chungfr vs 营地丨星辰 3-x
Playoff results bracket:
The single-elimination playoffs culminated in finals between AKAWonder and Mage.
Mage emerged victorious and took home the trophy!
Mage played solid Hearthstone in the tournament, but based on game quality alone, I have to also mention Royaleeping, who finished in the top-4. His play was a joy to watch and seemed to be the most solid in the entire tournament to me.
Prize pool distribution:
- 1st place (Mage): $12,000, 5 HCT points or 3 China HCT points
- 2nd place (AKAWonder): $6000, 3 HCT points or 2 China HCT points
- 3rd and 4th place (OMBuShusheng, Royaleeping): $3000, 2 HCT points or 2 China HCT points
- 5th to 8th place (Ant, Greensheep, Chungfr, ahqKkuang): $1500, 1 HCT point or 1 China HCT point
Class distribution
The decklists were published on Titanar’s website.
Classes from the most popular to the least popular in top 16:
- Shaman: 12
- Mage: 11
- Druid: 10
- Paladin: 10
- Warrior: 10
- Priest: 6
- Rogue: 5
- Hunter: 0
- Warlock: Zero. Zippo. Nada. Zilch.
Warlock remains dead as expected, and Quest Rogue disappeared with the nerf. Some people brought Miracle Rogue instead, though, so Rogue as a class is injured but alive. Priest overtook Rogue with a record representation at six players.
Hunter was missing, still determining whether a nerf of one of its good matchups can have any good consequences for the class. In the long run, maybe it can, as Hunter is better against control than many other decks that preyed on Quest Rogue.
Between the other five classes, the distribution was roughly even. Shaman was the most popular class (12) but it was closely followed by Mage (11) and the tied trio of Druid, Paladin, and Warrior (10).
While the results of group stages are incomplete, we can take a look at which classes were present in lineups that advanced to the top 8:
- Mage: 7
- Shaman: 6
- Warrior: 6
- Paladin: 5
- Druid: 4
- Priest: 2
- Rogue: 2
Compared to the classes brought to the top 16, the best-performing classes were Mage and Warrior, both of which increased their representation for top 8. Shaman and Paladin held their own, while Druid, Priest, and Rogue were unsuccessful.
Archetype distribution by class in top-16 and top-8 and performance in top-8
Because only a small part of the group stages were streamed, I chose not to gather the win-loss records of archetypes from those games (everything we know is still available in the appendix). Instead, I gathered the win-loss records from top-8 as all of those games were streamed.
With Quest Rogue nerf only days before the tournament, it was obvious that players had not been able to test their lineups thoroughly. Many bets were placed on what kind of meta to expect, and some won their bets whereas others lost. In some ways, the results of this tournament are less indicative of long-term state of the meta, because everyone had to submit their lineups with very little knowledge of the exact effects of the nerf. Maybe there are nonetheless some nuggets of information we can try to gather.
Looking at the lineups that made it to the top-8, a number of archetypes increased in representation: UK Paladin did really well, with three of the four UK Paladins advancing from top-16 to top-8. The only Murloc Paladin also made it through, as did both Aggro Druids and both Secret Mages. Turns out, being aggressive can win games.
On the other hand, many control decks also made it through: four of the six Taunt Warriors, both Freeze Mages, the only Control Paladin, and the only Control Shaman all survived the groups.
Midrange Paladin (none of the three made it), Jade Druid (two of the eight made it), and both Dragon Priest (one out of three) and Silence Priest (one out of three) were the victims.
Priest was more popular than ever with six of the 16 players bringing it. However, it rapidly proved to be a weak bet, as only two of the six proceeded to the top-8, and Priest decks had a miserable 0-4 record once there.
Silence Priest turned out to be a poor meta call, going 0-5 in streamed games overall. It is a deck that has some sweet matchups, and could have been an answer to the post-nerf meta, but those good matchups were not there right now.
Dragon Priest did not do any better, showing up on stream twice and losing both times: 0-2. I did not really enjoy any of the three Dragon Priest lists brought to the tournament: each of them included only six dragons while still representing the more midrange-oriented archetype. Control/Dragon hybrids can happily run only four dragons, but if you want to have the synergy ready early on, going with just six dragons seems suicidal.
As for the top-8 itself, the success stories were a bit different than the archetypes most successful in getting there. None of the archetypes that succeeded in group stages did badly in the top-8 either, but it was Gunther Mage (3-0) and Miracle Rogue (3-1) that were the most successful. Taunt Warrior also had a good run, going 4-3 and being the only common deck in the lineups of both finalists.
Evolve Shaman was the most common archetype, as ten players chose to bring it. It held its own during group stages with five of them remaining, but with a 2-5 record in the top-8, it just could not carry any further. One Evolve Shaman made it all the way to the finals still.
- 1 Control Paladin – 1 in top 8 (1-0)
- 2 Murloc Paladins – 1 in top 8 (1-1)
- 4 UK Paladin – 3 in top 8 (2-2)
- 3 Midrange Paladins
- 4 Pirate Warriors – 2 in top 8 (1-2)
- 6 Taunt Warriors – 4 in top 8 (4-3)
- 2 Aggro Druids – 2 in top 8 (1-0)
- 8 Jade Druids – 2 in top 8 (2-1)
- 6 Gunther Mages – 3 in top 8 (3-0)
- 2 Secret Mages – 2 in top 8 (1-3)
- 1 Freeze Mage – 1 in top 8
- 1 Hybrid Freeze Mage – 1 in top 8 (2-2)
- 1 Giants Tempo Mage
- 5 Miracle Rogues – 2 in top 8 (3-1)
- 10 Evolve Shamans – 5 in top 8 (2-5)
- 1 N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman – 1 in top 8 (2-1)
- 1 Jade Elemental Shaman
- 3 Silence Priest – 1 in top 8 (0-2)
- 3 Dragon Priest – 1 in top 8 (0-2)
Deck spotlights
With a new post-nerf meta at hand, it is to be expected that there will be some more variety as people experiment with the void left by the departure of Quest Rogue. A little bit of that was seen here and there at Titanar, but most of the decks were still familiar material, some of them merely emerging from slumber now that their hunter is gone.
The most unusual deck seen in the tournament was part of the winning lineup: Mage’s N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman. That looked interesting for sure, and warrants a closer look.
UK Paladin made its large-scale tournament debut, and judging by its performance, it is unlikely to be its last appearance.
Everything else was more or less tweaking here and there, but it is still interesting to look at some decks that performed well in the early post-nerf meta: Control Paladin, Miracle Rogue, and Gunther Mage.
So, here are some deck spotlights from this first post-nerf tournament!
Mage’s N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman
Mage brought one of the most unusual deck of the tournament: a N’Zoth Jade Shaman.
The deck does not lack value. It runs a medium sortiment of Jade cards, cutting Jade Chieftains, and also two copies of Spirit Echo to make those Jades come back again. However, on top of all this it also runs N’Zoth to bring Aya back from the grave yet again!
The deck has four Deathrattle minions: Bloodmage Thalnos, Loot Hoarder, White Eyes, and Aya Blackpaw. Therefore, N’Zoth will also draw some additional cards, so fatigue is not something this deck is looking for. Of course, with a ton of Jades, more stuff from Spirit Echo (and potentially even more stuff from minions that were Spirit Echoed and then resurrected yet again by N’Zoth), it should never come down to fatigue.
Card draw can be an issue for Shaman, and the two Deathrattle minions that draw a card help with that. Unsurprisingly, the deck’s choice for weapon removal is Harrison Jones – more card draw. Add in two Mana Tide Totems, and you have a reasonable card draw package, even a good one by Shaman standards.
The deck can struggle against slow Mage decks though: with Jinyu Waterspeakers as the only healing cards, even Spirit Echoing them can hardly outheal the burn from Mage decks. Against many other slow decks, it can do much better, and with a bunch of area-of-effect damage, it has a chance against aggro as well.
Deck code: AAECAaoIBvsB7QWQB+CsAqa8ApS9AgyBBPUE/gX7qgKgtgLdugKHvALPvALRvAL2vQKbwgKXxwIA
UK Paladin
Jambre’s UK Paladin is one of the newer variants of aggressive Murloc Paladin. Invented less than a month ago near the end of June, Jambre took #1 legend with the deck, and it is rapidly gaining popularity in tournament lineups (people are running it at Dreamhack Valencia, which is going on right now, as well).
Four players brought UK Paladin to the Titanar LAN finals, and three of them made it to the top-8.
What makes UK Paladin such a good aggressive deck? It is fast. Tirion Fordring is too slow for this deck, it tops out at The Curator which draws a Murloc and a Gentle Megasaur, giving fuel for one more push.
UK Paladin has found a use for Pirates in Murloc Paladin: two Dread Corsairs and Patches are part of the deck. There are four weapons in the deck, two copies of each Rallying Blade and Truesilver Champion, so getting that discount on Dread Corsair is quite easy. Once it is played, Patches also comes charging in, providing another rpoint of damage should the weapon be insufficient to clear up the board. The potentially free Dread Corsair is also a great buff target, as you get to play the buff alongside the minion, and the minion has Taunt as well.
There is also a bit of Rallying Blade synergy in the form of Argent Squire: a sticky one-drop that can survive to be a buff target, or that can become a 2/2 with Divine Shield if played alongside Rallying Blade.
Deck code: AAECAZ8FBLmyApG8AuO+ArnBAg3bA/UFzwbuBq8HpwjTqgLZrgKzwQKbwgKdwgKxwgKIxwIA
OMBuShusheng’s Control Paladin
OMBuShusheng brought a slightly different take on Control Paladin to the tournament. He was content to run only one copy of Spikeridged Steed to get a slightly more active approach, opting to run Elise the Trailblazer for value and two copies of Stampeding Kodo for some additional removal – especially useful when combined with Aldor Peacekeeper to snipe big targets.
His deck was teched to beat Gunther Mage in particular with a Gluttonous Ooze for weapon removal and an extra Lay on Hands for a bit more healing – one copy of Forbidden Healing and Ragnaros, Lightlord being part of the core deck already.
Deck code: AAECAYsWDtIEzwb6BoquAtmuAuauArmyAry9ArnBAt/EAtPFAojHAsnHAs/HAgiKAdwD9AX2B48J2wqzwQKbwgIA
Mage’s Miracle Rogue
Rogue decks seem to have long lifespans. Stancifka has brought his fast Miracle Rogue variant to a number of tournaments throughout the Journey to Un’Goro meta, and Mage’s Miracle Rogue was not a new variant either. It became well-known in the hands of Muzzy at the Americas Spring Playoffs, and Mage used the same list shortly thereafter at the Asia-Pacific Spring Playoffs.
It is not a fast variant, instead opting to go for two Arcane Giants and a Questing Adventurer for some real big threats. It still runs the entire suite of burgling cards at two Swashburglars, two Hallucinations, and Shaku, the Collector, so it is a very threat-dense deck as far as Rogue decks go. Add in two Mimic Pods to the mix, and you have a deck that does not run out of juice easily.
What it wins in threats, it loses in early-game consistency. With only single copies of Razorpetal Lasher and SI:7 Agent, the deck is vulnerable to aggro if it does not hit the right cards.
Royaleeping’s Gunther Mage
Frost Nova and Doomsayer is becoming more and more common in Gunther Mage. It is a small piece of hybridization with Freeze Mage, but as the decks typically still keep Mana Wyrms and, crucially, Medivh, and do not run Blizzard or Archmage Antonidas, I think they are still closer to Gunther Mage than Freeze Mage in overall playstyle.
Roayleeping brought a fairly straightforward variant to the tournament. Alas, the exact same list has seen play before, as Rdu played it at the HCT Spring Championship. A solid list.
Deck code: AAECAf0EBnHFBOwHvwihtwLpugIMigHAAbsClQOrBMsElgX7DKO2Ate2AsHBApjEAgA=
Appendix 1: Decks by player
- Evolve Shaman (Barnes, 1xStonehill Defender)
- Hybrid Freeze Mage (2xMana Wyrm, 1xVolcanic Potion, Medivh, 2xDoomsayer+2xFrost Nova, 1xBlizzard, 2xFirelands Portal, Pyroblast – no Flamestrike/Meteor)
- UK Paladin (Jambre’s exact list)
- Taunt Warrior (Kolento’s list)
- Freeze Mage (1xVolcanic Potion, 1xIce Barrier, Eater of Secrets, Archmage Antonidas, Pyroblast)
- Silence Priest
- Miracle Rogue (2xArcane Giant, Sap, 1xRazorpetal Lasher, 2xTar Creeper, 2xSI:7 Agent, Mimic Pod)
- Taunt Warrior (2xDirty Rat)
- Evolve Shaman (Barnes, 1xStonehill Defender)
- Aggro Druid (Hungry Crab, Golakka Crawler, Shellshifter, Swipe, Druid of the Claw)
- UK Paladin (Jambre’s exact list)
- Secret Mage (Pyros, 2xCounterspell, 1xMirror Entity, 1xSpellbender, Yogg-Saron)
- Pirate Warrior (2xSpellbreaker, Bittertide Hydra)
- Miracle Rogue (2xArcane Giant, Questing Adventurer, Shaku, 1xRazorpetal Lasher, 1xSI:7 Agent, 2xMimic Pod)
- UK Paladin (Jambre’s exact list)
- Giants Tempo Mage (1xVolcanic Potion, 1xBurgly Bully)
- Jade Druid (Wild Pyromancer, Gluttonous Ooze)
- Gunther Mage (Counterspell, 2xVolcanic Potion, Polymorph, Harrison Jones, Archmage Antonidas)
- Evolve Shaman (1xDevolve, 1xSea Giant)
- Taunt Warrior (2xDirty Rat, 1xArmorsmith, Shield Block, Harrison Jones, The Black Knight)
- N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman (2xSpirit Echo, Loot Hoarder, 2xJade Spirit, Harrison Jones, White Eyes)
- Jade Druid (Gluttonous Ooze, Tar Creeper)
- Taunt Warrior (2xDirty Rat, Harrison Jones)
- Miracle Rogue (2xArcane Giant, Questing Adventurer, Shaku, 1xRazorpetal Lasher, 1xSI:7 Agent, 2xMimic Pod)
- Evolve Shaman
- Murloc Paladin (2xGrimscale Chum, 2xColdlight Seer, 2xBlessing of Kings, 2xSpikeridged Steed, Tirion)
- Secret Mage (Pyros, 2xCounterspell, 1xMirror Entity, 1xSpellbender, Yogg-Saron)
- Jade Druid (Gluttonous Ooze, Tar Creeper)
- Miracle Rogue (2xArcane Giant, Questing Adventurer, 2xSI:7 Agent, 1xMimic Pod)
- Evolve Shaman (Hungry Crab, 1xDevolve, Stonehill Defender, Barnes, 1xDoppelgangster, 1xSea Giant)
- Midrange Murloc Paladin (2xGrimscale Chum, 2xBlessing of Kings, 1xConsecration, Vinecleaver, Deathwing – Hoej’s list but with extra Blessing of Kings instead of Consecration)
- Jade Druid (Hungry Crab, Yogg-Saron)
- Aggro Druid (2xHungry Crab, 2xGolakka Crawler)
- Gunther Mage (2xDoomsayer+2xFrost Nova, Counterspell, 1xVolcanic Potion)
- Evolve Shaman (Barnes, 1xStonehill Defender)
- Pirate Warrior (Spellbreaker, Mortal Strike, Bittertide Hydra)
- Silence Priest
- Murloc Paladin (1xColdlight Seer, Wickerflame Burnbristle, 1xConcecration, 2xBlessing of Kings, 2xSpikeridged Steed, Vinecleaver, Tirion)
- Gunther Mage (2xDoomsayer+2xFrost Nova, Counterspell, 2xAcolyte of Pain, Archmage Antonidas, Meteor, no Flamestrike)
- Miracle Rogue (2xArcane Giant, Shaku, 1xSI:7 Agent, Questing Adventurer, 1xMimic Pod)
- Control Paladin (Dirty Rat, Gluttonous Ooze, Elise the Trailblazer, 1xSpikeridged Steed, Lay on Hands, 1xPrimordial Drake)
- Gunther Mage (Ice Barrier, Gluttonous Ooze, Polymorph, Eater of Secrets, Archmage Antonidas, 2xVolcanic Potion)
- Taunt Warrior (2xDirty Rat, Harrison Jones)
- Dragon Priest (Silence, 2xGolakka Crawler, 1xShadow Word: Death, Tar Creeper, Gluttonous Ooze – 6 dragons, no Book Wyrms)
- Evolve Shaman (Barnes, 1xStonehill Defender)
- Pirate Warrior (2xGrimy Gadgeteer, Spellbreaker)
- UK Paladin (Jambre’s exact list)
- Gunther Mage (2xDoomsayer+2xFrost Nova, Counterspell, 2xAcolyte of Pain, 1xVolcanic Potion, no Meteor)
- Jade Druid (Tar Creeper, Harrison Jones, Burgly Bully, 1xPrimordial Drake)
- Silence Priest
- Midrange Murloc Paladin (Equality, 2xAldor Peacekeeper, Stampeding Kodo, Primordial Drake)
- Evolve Shaman
- Taunt Warrior (2xDirty Rat, Harrison Jones)
- Jade Druid (Wild Pyromancer, Gluttonous Ooze, 1xPrimordial Drake, Yogg-Saron)
- Evolve Shaman (Barnes, 1xStonehill Defender)
- Gunther Mage (2xDoomsayer+2xFrost Nova, Eater of Secrets, 1xVolcanic Potion, 1xBlizzard, only two secrets – 2xIce Block)
- Jade Druid (Tar Creeper, Harrison Jones, 1xPrimordial Drake, Yogg-Saron)
- Midrange Murloc Paladin (Hoej’s Vinecleaver and Deathwing list)
- Evolve Shaman (Barnes, 1xStonehill Defender)
- Dragon Priest (1xPotion of Madness, Tar Creeper, Harrison Jones, Kabal Songstealer, 1xBook Wyrm, 1xPrimordial Drake – 6 dragons)
- Jade Elemental Shaman (1xMana Tide Totem, Harrison Jones, 2xServant of Kalimos, Volcano, Blazecaller, Kalimos)
- Jade Druid (Golakka Crawler, Gluttonous Ooze, Spellbreaker, 1xPrimordial Drake, Yogg-Saron)
- Pirate Warrior (1xHeroic Strike, Stonehill Defender, 2xSpellbreaker, 2xNaga Corsair, Captain Greenskin, 2xBittertide Hydra, no Southsea Deckhands)
- Dragon Priest (Inner Fire, Divine Spirit, Wild Pyromancer, Gluttonous Ooze – 6 dragons, no Mana Wyrms)
Appendix 2: Titanar Hearthstone Open International 2017 matches
Raw data on matches, lineups, and bans. Many of the group stage matches were not streamed, only the matches that we have more information on are here.
Group A, winners’ match: AKAWonder vs Royaleeping
AKAWonder: Evolve Shaman, Hybrid Freeze Mage, UK Paladin, Taunt Warrior
Royaleeping: Evolve Shaman, Pirate Warrior, UK Paladin, Gunther Mage
Bans: AKAWonder banned Gunther Mage and Royaleeping banned Taunt Warrior
Evolve Shaman wins against Evolve Shaman
UK Paladin loses to Pirate Warrior
Hybrid Freeze Mage wins against Evolve Shaman
UK Paladin loses to Evolve Shaman
UK Paladin loses to UK Paladin
AKAWonder 2 – Royaleeping 3.
Group A, decider match: AKAWonder vs Th3RaT
AKAWonder: Evolve Shaman, Hybrid Freeze Mage, UK Paladin, Taunt Warrior
Th3RaT: Miracle Rogue, Evolve Shaman, Midrange Murloc Paladin, Jade Druid
Bans: AKAWonder banned Jade Druid and Th3RaT banned Hybrid Freeze Mage
UK Paladin wins against Miracle Rogue
Evolve Shaman wins against Miracle Rogue
Taunt Warrior wins against Miracle Rogue
AKAWonder 3 – Th3RaT 0.
Group B, winners’ match: Ant vs ahqKkuang
Ant: Freeze Mage, Silence Priest, Miracle Rogue, Taunt Warrior
ahqKkuang: Aggro Druid, Gunther Mage, Evolve Shaman, Pirate Warrior
Bans: Ant banned Pirate Warrior and ahqKkuang banned Taunt Warrior
Silence Priest loses to Gunther Mage
Silence Priest loses to Aggro Druid
Silence Priest loses to Evolve Shaman
Ant 0 – ahqKkuang 3.
Group C, winners’ match: Mage vs Greensheep
Mage: N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman, Jade Druid, Taunt Warrior, Miracle Rogue
Greensheep: Evolve Shaman, Murloc Paladin, Secret Mage, Jade Druid
Bans: Mage banned Secret Mage and Greensheep banned Taunt Warrior
Jade Druid loses to Murloc Paladin
Miracle Rogue wins against Evolve Shaman
Jade Druid loses to Evolve Shaman
Jade Druid loses to Jade Druid
Mage 1 – Greensheep 3.
Group D, winners’ match: Chungfr vs OMBuShuseng
Chungfr: Evolve Shaman, Aggro Druid, UK Paladin, Secret Mage
OMBuShuseng: Control Paladin, Gunther Mage, Taunt Warrior, Dragon Priest
Bans: Chungfr banned Dragon Priest and OMBuShuseng banned UK Paladin
Secret Mage loses to Taunt Warrior
Secret Mage loses to Control Paladin
Secret Mage wins against Gunther Mage
Aggro Druid loses to Gunther Mage
Chungfr 1 – OMBuShuseng 3.
Quarter-final 1: OMBuShuseng vs Chungfr
OMBuShuseng: Control Paladin, Gunther Mage, Taunt Warrior, Dragon Priest
Chungfr: Evolve Shaman, Aggro Druid, UK Paladin, Secret Mage
Bans: OMBuShuseng banned UK Paladin and Chungfr banned Dragon Priest
Taunt Warrior wins against Secret Mage
Control Paladin wins against Secret Mage
Gunther Mage wins against Secret Mage
OMBuShuseng 3 – Chungfr 0.
Quarter-final 2: AKAWonder vs Greensheep
AKAWonder: Evolve Shaman, Hybrid Freeze Mage, UK Paladin, Taunt Warrior
Greensheep: Evolve Shaman, Murloc Paladin, Secret Mage, Jade Druid
Bans: AKAWonder banned Jade Druid and Greensheep banned Evolve Shaman
Hybrid Freeze Mage wins against Murloc Paladin
UK Paladin wins against Evolve Shaman
Taunt Warrior loses to Murloc Paladin
Taunt Warrior loses to Secret Mage
Taunt Warrior wins against Evolve Shaman
AKAWonder 3 – Greensheep 2.
Quarter-final 3: Royaleeping vs Ant
Royaleeping: Evolve Shaman, Pirate Warrior, UK Paladin, Gunther Mage
Ant: Freeze Mage, Silence Priest, Miracle Rogue, Taunt Warrior
Bans: Royaleeping banned Freeze Mage and Ant banned Pirate Warrior
UK Paladin wins against Miracle Rogue
Evolve Shaman wins against Silence Priest
Gunther Mage wins against Silence Priest
Royaleeping 3 – Ant 0.
Quarter-final 4: Mage vs ahqKkuang
Mage: N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman, Jade Druid, Taunt Warrior, Miracle Rogue
ahqKkuang: Aggro Druid, Gunther Mage, Evolve Shaman, Pirate Warrior
Bans: Mage banned Pirate Warrior and ahqKkuang banned Taunt Warrior.
N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman loses to Gunther Mage
N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman wins against Evolve Shaman
Jade Druid loses to Aggro Druid
Miracle Rogue wins against Evolve Shaman
Jade Druid wins against Evolve Shaman
Mage 3 – ahqKkuang 2.
Semi-final 1: Royaleeping vs AKAWonder
Royaleeping: Evolve Shaman, Pirate Warrior, UK Paladin, Gunther Mage
AKAWonder: Evolve Shaman, Hybrid Freeze Mage, UK Paladin, Taunt Warrior
Bans: Royaleeping banned Taunt Warrior and AKAWonder banned Gunther Mage
Pirate Warrior loses to Hybrid Freeze Mage
Evolve Shaman wins against Evolve Shaman
Pirate Warrior loses to Evolve Shaman
Pirate Warrior wins against UK Paladin
UK Paladin loses to UK Paladin
Royaleeping 2 – AKAWonder 3.
Semi-final 2: OMBuShuseng vs Mage
OMBuShuseng: Control Paladin, Gunther Mage, Taunt Warrior, Dragon Priest
Mage: N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman, Jade Druid, Taunt Warrior, Miracle Rogue
Bans: OMBuShuseng banned Jade Druid and Mage banned Gunther Mage.
Dragon Priest loses to Taunt Warrior
Dragon Priest loses to N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman
Taunt Warrior loses to Miracle Rogue
OMBuShuseng 0 – Mage 3.
Grand Final: AKAWonder vs Mage
AKAWonder: Evolve Shaman, Hybrid Freeze Mage, UK Paladin, Taunt Warrior
Mage: N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman, Jade Druid, Taunt Warrior, Miracle Rogue
Bans: AKAWonder banned N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman and Mage banned Evolve Shaman.
UK Paladin loses to Jade Druid
Hybrid Freeze Mage loses to Taunt Warrior
Hybrid Freeze Mage loses to Miracle Rogue
AKAWonder 0 – Mage 3.