Journey to Un’Goro Deck Tech: Budget Midrange Hunter

In this Hearthstone Journey to Un’Goro budget deck tech, I take a look at a cheap Midrange Hunter build that I used to climb to Rank 4 on the NA server with a 23-12 record from Rank 7.

That’s right, thanks to numerous good commons Hunter received in Journey to Un’Goro, you can build a perfectly viable deck for mere 1260 dust – no adventures, no epics, no legendaries, just cheap stuff that wins games.

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Journey to Un’Goro Deck Tech: Dragon Priest

In this Hearthstone Journey to Un’Goro deck tech, I take a look at Dragon Priest!

Thought Dragon Priest was dead with so many dragons rotating out into the Wild with the most recent Standard rotation? Think again, as it turns out that the power of Drakonid Operative together with the only dragon from Un’Goro, Primordial Drake, is enough to save the archetype.

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Journey to Un’Goro Deck Tech: Sherazin Miracle Rogue

In this Hearthstone Journey to Un’Goro deck tech, I take a look at Sherazin Miracle Rogue. While the first Rogue decks to surface after the new expansion were mostly Quest Rogue decks – and that archetype is powerful and continues to be refined – Rogue still has other options as well. The most prominent alternative is Sherazin Miracle Rogue.

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Journey to Un’Goro Deck Tech: Jade Elemental Shaman

Hearthstone’s Journey to Un’Goro expansion has been out for a week now, and we have the first insights into how the meta is going to turn out, even though new decks still appear on almost daily basis.

In this deck tech, I will take a look at Jade Elemental Shaman. I have already explored pure Elemental Shaman, but going for a hybrid approach that sacrifices some consistency of elemental synergies for added power of Jade cards is an option many players prefer.

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Journey to Un’Goro Deck Tech: Pure Elemental Shaman

Hearthstone’s Journey to Un’Goro expansion has been out for a week now, and we have the first insights into how the meta is going to turn out, even though new decks still appear on almost daily basis.

In this deck tech, I will take a look at pure Elemental Shaman, built on the synergies of cards from the latest expansion. In the next article after this one, I will take a look at Jade Elemental Shaman that combines these synergies with Jade Golems from the previous expansion.

On the surface, Elemental Shaman seems to be one of the simplest decks to build: Blizzard has added a ton of Elemental cards to the game, especially for Shaman, so everything looks fairly simple and straightforward.

Yet, this is far from truth. I have experimented with a lot of different cards over the course of changing meta, and there are lots of tech choices you can make. A very straightforward build, such as the one I theorycrafted before the release, can do well against aggressive decks, but faces huge pressure from Quest Rogue and Taunt Warrior, and in the past couple of days, Midrange Paladins have also been back in force.

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Zoo: Hearthstone budget deck is back!

It is the early days of Hearthstone’s Journey to Un’Goro expansion, and the meta is slowly being figured out.

While the ladder is mostly populated by Rogues (Quest and Miracle), Warriors (Pirate and Taunt), and Hunters (Midrange), all classes are currently seeing some play.

One of the things I’m happiest about with Journey to Un’Goro is that it is now possible to build a good deck on a budget again, even on your first day of playing Hearthstone! The deck I have in mind is Zoo.

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Journey to Un’Goro: Paladin Legendary Quest – The Last Kaleidosaur

Hearthstone’s Journey to Un’Goro expansion cards have all been revealed, and now is the time to really start theorizing over upcoming decks.

In this post, I will take a look at the Paladin legendary quest, The Last Kaleidosaur, and what kind of deck could complete the quest.

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Journey to Un’Goro: Face is the place (Pirate Warrior and Aggro Shaman decks)

Hearthstone’s Journey to Un’Goro expansion cards have all been revealed, and now is the time to really start theorizing over upcoming decks.

In this post, I will take a look at the future of face decks, namely Pirate Warrior and Aggro Shaman.

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